Medellín – Business Roundtable – Summary: Technology and financing options to deploy zero-emission fleets in the public transport bus system (TPC) in Medellín

2019 Download available: EN

This business roundtable was held with local authorities, public transportation operators, bus manufacturers, and financial entities to discuss technology and financing options to deploy zero-emission fleets in Medellín and the Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburra (AMVA). The event was designed to connect different actors with the goal of promoting business deals to modernize the bus fleets in Medellín and the AMVA to zero-emission fleets. In addition to sessions featuring informational presentations, 27 bilateral meetings were held to spark and accelerate transactions between private operators and other stakeholders. The event was hosted by the Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment Accelerator (ZEBRA). ZEBRA is a project of P4G, implemented by ICCT and C40 Cities.

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